HPPD and Foundation news.
Articles, podcast appearances & study updates about our work on HPPD.

🚨Contribute to a new HPPD study🚨
A new study released via the University of East London is investigating the role of psychology, behavior and symptom intensity in distress from HPPD.
Psychedelics Today Guide
We wrote a Guide for Psychedelics Today on what we do and don’t know about HPPD - includes harm reduction information!
Psychedelics Today Podcast
A podcast on HPPD with Psychedelics Today's Joe Moore and the Foundation's Ed Prideaux on the condition and our work.

Third Wave Podcast
A podcast on HPPD with Third Wave's Paul Austin and the Foundation's Ed Prideaux on the condition and our work.

Wild Entheology Podcast
A podcast on HPPD with the psychedelic podcast and the Foundation's Ed Prideaux on the condition and our work.

The HPPD Information Guide is here
Announcing the release of our HPPD Information Guide, which covers the latest on HPPD research and harm reduction.

Psychedelic Spotlight Podcast
A podcast on HPPD with Psychedelics Spotlight's Swati Sharma and the Foundation's Ed Prideaux on the condition and our work.

The PRF in Mad In America
An in-depth article on HPPD for the critical mental health magazine Mad In America by the Foundation's Ed Prideaux.

Adventures Through The Mind Podcast
A podcast on HPPD with ATTM's James W Jesso and the Foundation's Ed Prideaux on the condition and our work.

Documentary Trailer
The documentary trailer of ‘HPPD: Stuck In A Distorted World’, featuring sufferers, researchers and scientists.